The advantage of keeping your hosting account and changing only your DNS records is keeping your email account here active. In other words, if you change your name servers as WIX suggests your email account you are using here will not be found. Below is how you can edit your DNS only and retain your active email accounts...
Assuming you have hosting here:
- Login to cPanel and select Zone Editor
- Beside Filter select A record so you only view A records
- Look for the existing A record for your domain written like this;
- Select Edit and paste in this WIX IP address
- Save record
Ok, now in the same way, filter the record showing again using CNAME this time. You should only be viewing CNAME records
- Beside Filter select CNAME record so you only view CNAME records
- Look for the existing CNAME record for your domain written like this;
- Select Edit and paste in this WIX address:
- Save record
You should now be able to view your new WIX site in a browser. Be sure to delete your browser cache, update your desktop DNS on Windows using commend prompt: enter ipconfig and /flushdns command to delete your Windows desktop cached DNS.
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