So something has happened with your website or hosting account and you might need one of our backups restored. Here are something to consider and what to ask for.
- Modern websites usually have a files component and database component. These are backed up separately. We will need to know if you want a files restore (e.g. perhaps a plugin upgrade broke your admin dashboard), database restore (e.g. you database no longer references all your media files) or both.
- In regards to file restores, do you need your current website files removed before restore? This may result in your website being down while the restore is taking place. Do you need just a few files restored? Let us know which ones.
- This is an important one: Why are you requesting a backup restore? Are you getting an error or missing links? Many issues can be easily fixed or have workarounds than can be applied, rather than request a whole backup restore. We can help analyze what is broken and apply a fix if possible.
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