We have noticed some customers questioning an email they receive asking them to verify their contact information we have for their domain name.
Every domain name has contact information attached to its record that is critical to keep accurate. In particular the email address for the Registrant contact is used to approve any major changes to the website domain name. This is by design and in accordance with ICANN policy as a security measure. That way no one can hijack your domain name without that email being sent an approval.
Every so often ICANN requires us to send out emails to every registrant email address to simply show them their contact info giving them opportunity find corrections and make changes to update those.
When the registrant contact info is updated with a new name or email address, an approval email is sent out to the NEW email address it was changed to for approval. If that email si not responded to within a timeframe, the domain status is changed to suspended showing a registrar suspension notice on the website page. The notice will have the reason why it was suspended and recourse by typing into the form on that page and resending the email again to the registrant email address to respond to.
If you are receiving an email that is asking you to "Click here to verify your email address" and it is from the email address; donotreply@name-services.com it is from us! You do need to click on that link after verifying the contact info shown in the email.
If you have further questions or concerns feel free to contact us.
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